Laboratory of Chemical Ecology 


Welcome to the Dweck lab in the Department of Entomology at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES). 

Our lab is dedicated to developing cutting-edge chemical and molecular strategies aimed at mitigating the detrimental effects caused by harmful insects.

At the core of our research endeavors lie a set of focused objectives:

This knowledge forms the foundation for the development of targeted strategies to disrupt or manipulate insect behavior for beneficial outcomes.


We employ a multidisciplinary approach, including:


*July 17Raghav Bharadwaj, a high school student,  joined our lab. Welcome, Raghav!

*June 3, 2024, Luke McNeil joined our lab. Welcome, Luke!

*March 27, 2024, a new paper on spotted lanternflies (cover of the issue) is out in Open Biology.

*March 5, 2024, Qi XuePh.D. , a Postdoctoral Scientist, joined our lab.

*March 1, 2024, a new method paper is out in the JoVE Journal.

*February 22, 2024, Kazi-Sifat Hasana Master student from the University of Bridgeport joined our lab.

*December 22, 2023, Lukas Keras,  a high school student visited our lab.

*December 14, 2023, the lab received the first independent internal  Award, the CAES Board of Control Research  Award 2024.

*November 17, 2023,  a new paper is out in Science Advances.

*September 25, 2023, Nisha Kark Joined the lab. Welcome Nisha!

*September 11,  2023, our interview for Current Biology is out.

*August 11, 2023, we performed our first single sensillum recording measurements. 

*August 3, 2023, Ananda Turner gave a fantastic talk about his work at the Plant Health Fellows: Final Research Symposium. 

*August 2, 2023, Michael  Sekyere and Ananda Turner represented our lab at the 113 Plant Science Day

*June 5, 2023, Ananda Turner Joined the lab. Welcome Ananda!

*June  1, 2023, we received and assembled the air table and Faraday cage.

May 8, 2023, welcome to the new seasonal research assistant,  Michael Sekyere. 

*April 24, 2023, the first Senior paper affiliated with CAES has been published in Current Biology.

*April 10, 2023, we conducted the first behavioral experiment and obtained the glass puller.

*March 16, 2023, the lab placed second in the Pi-Day competition.

*February 16, 2023, we have a paper out in Science.

*February 1, 2023,  NIH NOA-Change of Recipient  Organization (five-year K01 Award).

*January 3, 2023,  we opened our lab in the Department of Entomology at CAES.